Wild World of Bugs
A Magnified Look into a Bug's Life!
Explore the fascinating lives of insects through graphic displays, hands-on activities and larger-than-life models.
The Wild World of Bugs magnifies our connection to the insects of planet earth through interactions that focus on insect anatomy, habitats and behavior, survival strategies, eating habits and other topics in entomology.
Things to See and Do
- Test-Flight Wind Tunnel- Use our new wind tunnel and send bugs into test flight! Guests can even catch the bugs once they fly from the tunnel.
- Reaction time game - Test your reaction time against not just bugs, but other guests as well! Try the multiplayer reaction time game.
- Build-a-bug station - Get creative by making your own bug on our interactive tablets scattered around the exhibit.
- Roly Poly Skee Ball game- Play bug-themed skee ball against other guests!
- Visit the bug bistro and beehive book nook - While guests won't be able to buy real food, they will get a laugh from Flandrau's humorous take on bug diets. Or take a break in our beehive book nook, where kids books and comfortable seating are both available.
- Live Insects! - Madagascar hissing cockroaches and blue death-feigning beetles will delight and fascinate visitors with their unique behaviors.
- Learn about insect homes and lifestyles - Several displays will illustrate the fascinating world of social insects–like ants and wasps–with detailed dioramas, examples of hives and nests and interactive displays.
Thanks to these donors, contributors, and collaborators for making this exhibit possible!
Armstrong McDonald Foundation
Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust
Tucson Electric Power
Connie Hillman Family Foundation
Joseph Stanley Leeds Foundation
University of Arizona College of Science
William & Mary Ross Foundation
"Wild World of Bugs" features many amazing arthropod photos captured by clinical microbiologist, naturalist and photographer Jillian Cowles. In addition to her work on display at Flandrau her photographs have appeared in many books and publications, including "Amazing Arachnids" and more.
Gene Hall oversees the University of Arizona Insect Collection and generously helped in the creation of "Wild World of Bugs". Many of the wonderful pinned specimens on display were selected and prepared by Gene. He also lent his expertise to review the information conveyed throughout the exhibit.
UA Entomologist and insect outreach champion Dr. Kathleen Walker helped Flandrau with the development of the exhibit as well as helping create the fascinating live specimens displays. She also directs the "Insect Discovery Outreach Program" which is hosted by Flandrau and University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. This program is designed to stimulate children's scientific curiosity through hands-on activities using live and preserved insects.